why do trains screech and makes noise?

why do trains screech and makes noise?

Have you ever wondered why trains screech and make so much noise? This article aims to shed light on this phenomenon and explore the reasons behind it. Trains are an integral part of our transportation system, but their noise can sometimes be quite bothersome. So, let’s delve into the world of trains and understand why they produce these sounds.

why do trains screech and makes noise?

why do trains screech and makes noise?
One of the primary reasons trains screech and make noise is due to the interaction between the wheels and the tracks. When a train is in motion, the wheels roll along the tracks, creating friction. This friction is necessary for the train to move forward efficiently. However, it also generates noise in the process. The screeching sound occurs when the wheels and tracks come into contact and produce vibrations that travel through the air.

why do trains screech and makes noise

why do trains screech and makes noise?
why do trains screech and makes noise?

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